Our camping prices

Each position is meant for one night. Taxes, tent, car, caravan or motorhome are included.

Persons fee

1 night 2 – 4 nights 5 – 8 nights 9 – 14 nights 15 – 21 nights 22 nights and more
17 years and older 19,50 € 18,60 € 17,90 € 17,10 € 15,65 € 14,90 €
15 – 16 years 9,10 € each night
11 – 14 years 5,20 € each night
3 – 10 years 3,90 € each night

Other positions

  • pet 4,20 € each night
  • electricity
    • family ground
      • hookup 3,00 €
      • kW/h 1,00 €
    • small camp ground
      • 3,50 € flat-rate
    • tent area
      • kW/h 1,00 €
  • shower 0,50 €
  • dryer 3,00 €
  • washing machine 3,00 €


  • roll 0,50 €
  • breakfast (2 rolls, 1 portion of butter, jam and sausage) 3,50 €


  • person 5,00 €
  • child (until 10 years) 3,00 €
  • parking fee 4,00 €

Camp fire

A camp fire is only allowed at the tent area in a fire pan.

  • mobile fire pan (deposit) 50,00 €
  • box of fire wood 7,00 €

Backpack or cycling tourists

  • person 11,00 € each night
  • if younger than 17 years see normal prices


Simply send us an email or book online.